Public Hearing: "Angola needs accountability for human rights violations – Where is the EU?" - 7th of June

Public Hearing: "Angola needs accountability for human rights violations – Where is the EU?" - 7th of June

O BD divulga

DIVULGAÇÃO: Public Hearing: "Angola needs accountability for human rights violations – Where is the EU?" - 7th of June

Ana Gomes (S&D) & Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL)
invite you to the Public Hearing
- Angola needs accountability for human rights violations-
Where is the EU?
a discussion with
Padre Jacinto Pio Wacussanga – a Catholic Priest from Angola and
Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Associação Construindo Comunidades – ACC”, a Social and Human Rights Organization based in Lubango
Wednesday, 7th of June, 13:00 – 14:00, ASP1E1 European Parliament


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